[Django] Class-based views 상세 설명 사이트
[Django] Class-based views 상세 설명 사이트
클래스(class) 기반의 뷰(views) 상세 설명 사이트이다.
django 공식 문서보다 훨씬 잘 정리되어 있고, 오버라이딩할 변수/함수를 찾기 쉽다.
😉장고 클래스 뷰 (class-based generic views)
Django Class-Based-View Inspector -- Classy CBV
What are class-based views anyway? Django's class-based generic views provide abstract classes implementing common web development tasks. These are very powerful, and heavily-utilise Python's object orientation and multiple inheritance in order to be exten
😉Django REST Framework (class-based views and serializers)
Django REST Framework 3.9 -- Classy DRF
What is this? Django REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit that makes it easy to build Web APIs. It provides class based generic API views and serializers. We've taken all the attributes and methods that every view/serializer defines or inherit